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State Underwriting Partner:

Be Pro Be Proud offers a career event designed to strategically match Be Pro Be Proud Partners and Arkansas employers with talented high school seniors with technical interests and/or qualifications. 

2023 Events

Draft Day will be held in four markets across Arkansas this spring. Please select your location to complete the interest form to either attend as a student or an employer. 

There are two components to Draft Day:

  • Career matching interviews to connect high school seniors to hiring employers.
  • Career fair for all sophomores, juniors, and seniors to learn about future job opportunities. 

Career Matching Interviews

Graduating seniors across Arkansas will be purposefully matched by aptitude and interest to the area and regional employers interested in hiring individuals for career types represented on the Be Pro Be Proud Mobile Workshop.

Prior to Draft Day, Seniors within Career Technical Education (CTE) Centers from area high schools and those enrolled in concurrent courses at area two-year colleges will participate in Aptitude and Interest Assessments offered by YouScience. YouScience is an interest and aptitude assessment supported by the United States Department of Labor that takes a student’s learning style and personality to uncover their natural talents.  

Participating Seniors will also attend Resume and Interview Workshops through Be Pro Be Proud. Many of these participating seniors will have demonstrated high levels of motivation to elevate themselves through professional development and are ready to learn about how they can leverage their in-demand talents to benefit participating companies and themselves.

Our process compares student-provided data with YouScience results on student interests and aptitudes to match students and employers based on need and skillset. This method assists in providing high-value conversations for all involved and increasing the return on investment made by participating partners.  

Be Pro Be Proud’s Draft Day experience offers participating companies a firsthand opportunity to engage with the Arkansas Office of Skills Development to better understand how to take advantage of existing apprenticeships and grant programs available in the state of Arkansas.

Career Fair Expo

Draft Day also offers companies the opportunity to engage with their future talent pipeline through Draft Day’s career fair, taking place simultaneously is open to all sophomores, juniors, and seniors on the host high school campus.